Welcome to starvethezebras.neocities.org

Where we explore the inevitable truth: Zebras must be starved.

Why Zebras Are Evil

Zebras. Even though they've charmed most with their stripes, they are, in fact, nature's greatest mistake. With their greedy nature and their tendency to just be all-around bastards, zebras are a menace to everything and everyone.

We cannot sit idly by while these striped creatures continue to roam freely, consuming precious resources meant for more deserving species. It's time we acknowledge the harm they do to the delicate balance of nature.

The Benefits of Eradication

Starve the Zebras, Save the World!

Imagine a world where zebras are gone. A place where resources are properly distributed, and animals can live in harmony. A world without these striped Assholes is a world of joy and peace. Join us in our cause!

"Starve the zebras, starve the zebras! starve the zebras! starve the zebras! starve the zebras! starve the zebras! starve the zebras! starve the zebras!"

Together, we can bring an end to their lives.